

2019年(nián)博士畢業于中國農業大學(xué),意大利埃蒙德馬赫基金會(Fondazione Edmund Mach)聯合培養博士,主要從事園藝作物基因組學(xué)和(hé)基因組育種新方法研究,先後主持或參與多項國家自(zì)然基金項目,北京市自(zì)然基金項目以及多項北京市農林科學(xué)院項目。在國際頂尖期刊Nature,The Plant Journal,Plant Physiology, Molecular Ecology Resource等發表論文20餘篇,總引用次數686,主要完成二倍體富士蘋果基因組,中國李基因組以及廣泛應用于異交作物的(de)混池分析軟件工具(BSATOS)。獲得軟件著作權3個,參與完成新品種3個。 Email: shenf1028@gmail.com Tel: +86-17812169160 Website: https://maypoleflyn.github.io/





[1]主持國家自(zì)然科學(xué)基金青年(nián)項目:MdWRKY7調控蘋果輪紋病抗性的(de)功能與機制解析 (2022.1-2024.12), 30萬
[2]主持北京市自(zì)然科學(xué)基金: MdNDR1調控蘋果輪紋病抗性的(de)功能解析及育種标記開發(2021.1~2022.12), 10萬
[3]主持北京農林科學(xué)院青年(nián)基金:LsLBD1調控生菜結球機理(lǐ)研究及育種标記開發 (2021.1~2022.12),20 萬
[8]北京市農林科學(xué)院創新能力建設:基因編輯技術創新平台構建, 450萬


Google schoolar link:http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=3Gtxm6AAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN Publons link: https://publons.com/researcher/4867668/fei-shen/publications/

[1]Shen, F., Huang, Z., Zhang, B., Wang, Y., Zhang, X., Wu, T., Xu, X., Zhang, X., & Han, Z.(2019). Mapping gene markers for apple fruit ring rot disease resistance using a multi-omics approach. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 9(5), 1663–1678. (IF=3.01)
[2]Shixiao Xu, Yongle Ding, Juntao Sun, Zhiqiang Zhang, Zhaoyun Wu, Tiezhao Yang, Fei Shen# and Gang Xue# A high-quality genome assembly of Jasminum sambac provides insight into floral trait formation and Oleaceae genome evolution. (2021). Molecular Ecology Resource (In press). (Corresponding author) (IF=7.09)
[3]Li X#, Shen F#, Xu X, Zheng Q, Wang Y, Wu T, Li W, Qiu C, Xu X, Han Z, Zhang X (2021). An HD-ZIP transcription factor, MxHB13, integrates auxin-regulated and juvenility-determined control of adventitious rooting in Malus xiaojinensis. The Plant Journal. 2021 Jul 4. (doi: 10.1111/tpj.15406) (IF=6.14) (co-first author)
[4]Zhenyu Huang, #, Fei Shen#, Yuling Chen, Ke Cao, Lirong Wang (2021). Chromosome scale Genome Assembly and Population Genomic Analysis Provide Insights into the Adaptation, Domestication, and Flavonoid Metabolism of Chinese Plum (Prunus salicina Lindl.). The Plant Journal. (In press) (IF=6.14) (co-first author)
[5]Zhao, J.#, Shen, F# , Gao, Y., Wang, D., & Wang, K. (2019). Parallel Bud Mutation Sequencing Reveals that Fruit Sugar and Acid Metabolism Potentially Influence Stress in Malus. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20(23), 5988. (IF=5.9)
[6]Huang, Z# ., Shen, F.# , Chen, Y., Cao, K., & Wang, L. (2021). Preliminary Identification of Key Genes Controlling Peach Pollen Fertility Using Genome-Wide Association Study. Plants, 10(2), 242. (IF=3.18)
[7]Xiao Wei#, Fei Shen#, Qiuping Zhang, Ning Liu, Yuping Zhang, Ming Xu, Shuo Liu, Yujun Zhang, Xiaoxue Ma, Weisheng Liu (2021). Genetic diversity analysis of Chinese plum (Prunus salicina L.) based on whole-genome resequencing. Tree Genetics & Genomes 17 (3), 1-10 (IF=2.01)
[8]Wensheng Wang, Ramil Mauleon, …, Fei Shen, et al., (2018). Genomic variation in 3,010 diverse accessions of Asian cultivated rice. Nature. 7703(557): 43-49. (IF=42.0)
[9]Zheng, W., Shen, F., Wang, W., Wu, B., Wang, X., Xiao, C., Tian, Z., Yang, X., Yang, J., Wang, Y., & others. (2020). Quantitative trait loci-based genomics-assisted prediction for the degree of apple fruit cover color. The Plant Genome, 13(3), e20047. (IF=4.06)
[10]Wu, B., Shen, F., Chen, C. J., Liu, L., Wang, X., Zheng, W. Y., Deng, Y., Wang, T., Huang, Z. Y., Xiao, C., & others. (2021). Natural variations in a pectin acetylesterase gene, MdPAE10, contribute to prolonged apple fruit shelf life. The Plant Genome, e20084. (IF=4.06)
[11]Liu, J., Shen, F., Xiao, Y., Fang, H., Qiu, C., Li, W., Wu, T., Xu, X., Wang, Y., Zhang, X., & others. (2020). Genomics-assisted prediction of salt and alkali tolerances and functional marker development in apple rootstocks. BMC Genomics, 21(1), 1–16. (IF=3.59)
[12]Zheng, C., Shen, F., Wang, Y., Wu, T., Xu, X., Zhang, X., & Han, Z. (2020). Intricate genetic variation networks control the adventitious root growth angle in apple. BMC Genomics, 21(1), 1–18 (IF=3.59)
[13]Wang, X., Shen, F., Gao, Y., Wang, K., Chen, R., Luo, J., Yang, L., Zhang, X., Qiu, C., Li, W., & others. (2020). Application of genome-wide insertion/deletion markers on genetic structure  analysis and identity signature of Malus accessions. BMC Plant Biology, 20(1), 1–13
[14]Wu, B., Shen, F., Wang, X., Zheng, W. Y., Xiao, C., Deng, Y., Wang, T., Huang, Z. Y., Zhou, Q., Wang, Y., & others. (2020). Role of MdERF3 and MdERF118 natural variations in apple flesh firmness/crispness retainability and development of QTL-based genomics-assisted prediction. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 19 (5), 1022-1037. (IF=9.1)
[15]Jia, D., Shen, F., Wang, Y., Wu, T., Xu, X., Zhang, X., & Han, Z. (2018). Apple fruit acidity is genetically diversified by natural variations in three hierarchical epistatic genes: MdSAUR37, MdPP2CH and MdALMTII. The Plant Journal, 95(3), 427–443. (IF=6.14)


[1]軟件著作權:‘基于二代測序的(de)混池測序分析軟件V1.0 (BSATOS),登記号碼2018SRBJ0344.
[2]軟件著作權:‘基于二代測序的(de)混池測序分析軟件V1.0 (BSATOS),登記号碼2018SRBJ0344.

