

李波,女,博士,助理(lǐ)研究員,中共黨員。2019年(nián)畢業于中國農業大學(xué)作物遺傳育種專業。2020年(nián)4月至今,在北京市農林科學(xué)院生物技術研究所工作。主要從事生菜遺傳育種相關的(de)工作,負責生菜種質資源鑒定與評價、新種質創制以及新品種培育。利用人工和(hé)高(gāo)通量表型平台對生菜種質資源進行多年(nián)多點(器官-單株-群體)不同尺度的(de)鑒定;對生菜重要農藝性狀進行記錄并結合重測序數據解析其背後的(de)遺傳基礎。已探索2種生菜雜交方法,其效率高(gāo)達97%以上,為(wèi)生菜育種和(hé)遺傳群體構建奠定堅實的(de)技術基礎。參與構建生菜多組學(xué)綜合數據庫LettuceGDB(https://lettucegdb.com/)。現已構建生菜遺傳群體76個。在New Phytologist、Plant Communications、Molecular& Cellular Proteomics、BMC Plant Biology、Plant Method期刊發表SCI論文5篇;申請國家發明專利2項,其中已獲得授權1項;申請植物新品種權5項。





[1]Bo Li; Zi Wang; Huan Jiang; Jin‐Hong Luo; Ting Guo; Feng Tian; Vincenzo Rossi; Yan He*. ZmCCT10‐relayed photoperiod sensitivity regulates natural variation in the arithmetical formation of male germinal cells in maize. New Phytologist, 2022, 237(2): 585-600.
[2]Zhonglong Guo, Bo Li, Jianjun Du, Fei Shen, Yongxin Zhao, Yang Deng, Zheng Kuang, Yihan Tao, Miaomiao Wan, Xianju Lu, Dong Wang, Ying Wang, Yingyan Han, Jianhua Wei, Lei Li, Xinyu Guo*, Chunjiang Zhao*, and Xiaozeng Yang*. LettuceGDB: the community database for lettuce genetics and omics. Plant Communications. 2022, 4(1):100425.
[3]Jianjun Du, Bo Li, Xianju Lu, Xiaozeng Yang*, Xinyu Guo*, Chunjiang Zhao*. Quantitative phenotyping and evaluation for lettuce leaves of multiple semantic components. Plant Method. 2022, 18(1):54.  
[4]Chuanyu Ma, Bo Li, Lina Wang, Ming-liang Xu, E. Lizhu, Hongyu Jin, Zhicheng Wang, Jian-rong Ye*. Characterization of phytohormone and transcriptome reprogramming profiles during maize early kernel development. BMC Plant Biol ., 2019, 19(1): 197.
[5]Lu-Guang Jiang, Bo Li, Sheng-Xue Liu, Hong-Wei Wang, Cui-Ping Li, Shu-Hui Song, Mary Beatty, Gina Zastrow-Hayes, Xiao-Hong Yang, Feng Qin, Yan He*.Characterization of Proteome Variation During Modern Maize Breeding. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2019, 18(2):263-276.
[6]國家發明專利,授權2021年(nián),ZL 2021 1 0233141.8,一(yī)種用于鑒定莴苣雜交種真實性的(de)方法及其使用的(de)KASP引物組合,楊效曾、李波、楊飛(fēi)、申飛(fēi)、鄧楊。